August Drabble Challenge: MURDER!
Tell me a story using good, solid prose in exactly 100 words. This month, tie it in to MURDER. Not necessarily the act itself, but that'll be fine, too; use your imagination. I want a super short story somehow related to doin' murder. No need to tag me, I'll read all the entries in September and select a winner.
Desperate situations call for desperate measures. That’s what Patrick had to tell himself everyday for the rest of his life. One dark night he was walking home with the love of his life, Georgia, and they came across an angry homeless man with a gun. He tried to kill Georgia and to save her Patrick hit him over the head with a loose brick he found on the floor. Later he found out he had killed the man. He felt intense regret, he had only wanted to escape not murder. But ever since there was a weight on his shoulders.