Global mess- full.
Argh! Abuse, ache and anger!
Bestial and brutal barbarians bargain baby bodies for few bucks.
Cha-ching! Chasing of cash.
Call of dumb and deaf duty. Damage and danger of war decay declares country defense but delivers depression, dirt and death.
D`oh d`oh! Disillusion? Done!
Eeeyouch! Each emotion and enemy is eliminated. Enjoyment ends.
Fear fighting for freedom?
Flick a flack fleck of fake flagrant fools and fathers of country.
Grrr! Global goverments` goal guarantees the grave for the Good.
Hush humans, huminity and hope. How horribly hated you are!
Jail doesn`t come from judges or juries but just from our jealousy.
Knock knock!
But it`s locked. Locked liberty, life and love.
Money machines maintain to manipulate media and thus us humans with no mercy.
Neener, neener! Nyah! Nail us for nothing.
Ow! Ouch! Old fashioned opinions.
Parents participate with peace and patiance in phobic persecutions of their progenies.
Quiver! Quiver! Trembling quality of life.
So, quit!
So, rescue! Rage! Resing!
Commit a suicide or are scared?
Screw you!
Tear you fear to trash!
Vain value for you.
Our world wants waste, global warming, weakness and not welfare.
You xenophobe.
Yeah, you! Yell you! Your youth yearns to be young for thousands years.
But it`s zero years so zap your zen and huminity!