August Drabble Challenge: MURDER!
Tell me a story using good, solid prose in exactly 100 words. This month, tie it in to MURDER. Not necessarily the act itself, but that'll be fine, too; use your imagination. I want a super short story somehow related to doin' murder. No need to tag me, I'll read all the entries in September and select a winner.
The Juicy Bits
Gooey cheese and grease spill down Mr. Sterling’s chin, but he’s a professional. He dabs it away with his embroidered handkerchief before chomping another Ludicrous bite. “Best damn cheesesteak!” he burps to himself. Wiping his greasy fingers, he tosses the napkin, then check-marks a Five-star review. I squeal through the chef's window.
Today the best food critic eats in my diner, but it was just two months ago Adam and I separated. He always said I had potential, yet assured I’d never make it without him. Now with my winning recipe, I must defrost more of him for tomorrow's special.