Best friend.
Delivery line, comedian.
What is this job?
Why do we care?
Divorce from our multi-layers is not possible without great universal harm.
And in this narrative, we do not condone “doing harm.”
Does this hint at medical professionals linking to poet-like feats?
But let’s let the listeners decide.
Many might say poets daydream, twisting language into an art. Language arts notwithstanding, the very real exchange between author and medium, and between inner realms of the non-conscious and the finally-understood, is a quantum world hardly contained in ink. We simply construct housing to hoard as many expressions of it as we can.
The bottomless pond.
Can poets still grasp the significance they play?
Will we see one day how poems should archive with their outcomes? Epics, comics, inventions, history texts…
Perhaps this future chronicle style will finally satiate the vacuum where we dump our creative force.
Who knows how poems will evolve after that.