Screaming Therapy
What’s REALLY bothering you right now? What (or who) makes you want to scream into a pillow, punch a wall, or run away from all your responsibilities to raise alpacas in the countryside? Let it all out, friends.
I'm tired,
I always say it.
To the point where I don't know when I even am.
I'm tired,
but I can't sleep.
Cause the moment I lay down,
the weight of my thoughts overpower me.
I'm tired,
pass it off as a joke.
Cause I don't wanna worry those around me,
have them avoid me when they need me the most.
I'm tired,
but I don't wanna be put to rest.
Just not feel, not think.
But still be happy at best.
I'm tired,
I say it's insomnia,
but I know it's more than that.
I dont wanna admit it, I just know I can't.
I'm tired...just so tired of it all.
That even the happiest moments are only seconds all gone.