September Drabble Challenge: Heroic
Tell us a 100 word PROSE story (using standard grammar, punctuation, and spelling) about something heroic. Super hero? Sure. Real life hero? Okay. Fictional heroic act? Right on. Tie it in to the theme "hero" in some way. Winner will be decided by me in early October
Hero’s Turmoil
How many more times will you force me to pick up this sword. How many more times will I slay your monsters. How many more times do I have to be a hero. What will make this end. When can I finally just be a husband and father. My sword is already at your neck. Are you going to force me to cut through it. Will that satisfy you. You expect more of me than they do. The people call me a hero, but you truly believe it. This ending may satisfy you, but it will only leave me empty.