Witch in the Woods
Write a poem or prose with a witch in the woods. Any form, just fiction. Have fun!
Little Old Witch
Into the woods they rolled and rolled,
Down the slippery slope; covered in the morning’s tears,
Giggling laughter of two like souls,
Cut off by the freezing cold of the river at the bottom,
But the darkness was soon swept away by the little old witch; pulling them out,
With a cackle she swept them away; off on her broom,
Swerving through trees and trees and trees and trees,
Until they reached a cozy little cottage; a pot of green liquid sitting in the yard,
And it was the liquid that they were fed by the little old witch,
That made them nice and warm,
But before they knew it they were back in their beds,
A little stuffed witch with a big old grin on her face,
Laying on the pillows with a cup of green stew in hand.