Oh, How The Tables Have Turned
If you make a mistake in your writing, fear not because it's ediTable
If you received Elvis collector plates for Christmas, smile and remember that the tacky things are regifTable.
Shallowgenepool can best be described as unsTable and untrusTable. Much of what he writes is unrepeaTable and deleaTable. He should be ashamed to write things so conTemptable. Certainly what the freak writes is unprinTable. Someone should kick him off of TheProse because his writing could make the site unrepuTable.
If it's green, leafy, and cultivaTable, it might be a vegeTable. If it's also yummy it's delecTable. Conversely, if it tastes yucky it's unpalaTable. It is therefore, uneaTable.
If you ended up with dysentery after a weekend of debauchery in Tijuana, it's because you drank unpoTable water. If during afore mentioned trip to Tijuana you get crabs from a clandestine meeting with a $5 prostitute, you're likely very uncomforTable and irriTable. If the meeting with the prostitute also led to bringing gonorrhea home as a souvenir, that's just regretTable. To get treatment, you go to the doctor and you have to explain you hold yourself accounTable for bringing home the clap that doesn't require hands. To avoid this happening again, the next time you're horny and sexually exciTable, you'll find the kind of date that's inflaTable. If you're sating your animal lust on a boat and you fall in, your date is also floaTable.
Seeing bigfoot riding the Loch Ness Monster would definitely be noTable.
If you've ever eaten gov'ment cheese, you know that it's not melTable.
If you like blowing things up, you enjoy all things deTonatable.