Which one?
Which one could I be? I thought I knew the answer, but the truth of the matter is that I never really know.
Which one?
On the good days I find myself very optimistic.
I don't need to worry.
I feel good.
Both intrinsic and extrinsic.
I'm motivated.
I'm happy.
I feel that I'm doing fine,
But then as I'm passing through I walk the line.
And very minimally, a toe will overstep or something will push me a bit towards the edge.
And at that time of day when something takes a turn.
I look inside myself and suddenly I've learned that I'm a pessimist, which is the worst.
I knew things would go wrong,
Because now nothing is going right.
It becomes the time to call it a day and simply turn out the lights,
Because at least when I'm sleeping
Nothing is out of place before my eyes.
But as I'm laying in my bed I slowly start to think.
And I think for hours.
Until I'm suddenly wide awake.
And I become a realist, because life happens and it can't always be perfect.
I learned that my optimism is important for when things are going wrong, but if I stay that way all the time pessimism becomes my song, and it's sad because then I find myself at war with my mind and when I can finally get through it becomes a battle of what is real and what is not. I sort through my emotions and push away the drama. But I realized I'm not any of the three. And I think I fit into all categories you see? Different times. Different measures. I'll leave you with this, there's no storm I can't weather.
I am optimistic.
I can be a pessimist.
But in the end, I remember to be a realist when I need to check my reality.
Mostly, if I'm true to my nature, I stay optimistic.