To Whom it May Concern...
Write a letter to whom it may concern, but please begin with the line, "Dear Reader, I wish I could tell you that you're going to survive this."
Interpret this as you will - maybe it's a letter telling of the horrific circumstances the reader has found themselves in that the writer has experienced before them, or maybe a somber and dramatic letter of understanding concerning one's mental health. Whatever you can come up with!
You Incorrigible Reader
Dear Reader, I wish I could tell you that you're going to survive this.
For you, Reader, I forgo using my last wish to provide for my hungry family of Fannie and sixteen children, to get a job better than at the mines, and to prolong the life of my aging mother. Not to mention, freeing myself from...this nightmarish lamp....
This screen that you are reading is scored with the curse of the genie Bueligun, condemning all Readers to his lamp. I've disabled that curse, but my own hand writing this is none to steady...Bueligun is coming back, he says, to feast--
And how do you feel about your curiosity, you incorrigible Reader you, whose inevitable sight of this screen has condemned me to die!!