You wake up in the year 2333 on Earth. Write 100-200 words about the next 1-2 hours of your life…
Notes written in temporal braille—2333
Tranquility reigns
A new Life form, root is the “human experience”
Calm effervescence kneels amongst energy shared
Colorful forces with no needs, and communal consciousness
What was is forgotten and born again are those suspended by time
Awareness hovers without pain or judgment: existing
Serene oneness and belonging without attachment is bright and fresh
Humanity in drag, painted petals and coriander flesh rising and falling with every breath
Consumption, ownership, authority are obsolete—
They never existed in the minds’ eye hung above for all to experience
There was a marriage between day and night, and begotten is the sun and moon
Peace, at last. They feel.
But without contrast, is it?