This is a Test of the Emergency Prosecast System
I don't care about the "LaTEST" and "GreaTEST" fads numbing the minds of society today. In fact, I'd rather take a kick to the TESTes by an ill tempered bull elephant than be subjected to the deTESTable things that pass for the hippest forms of entertainment today. Social media, top 40 music, internet celebrities, and social influencers, none offer the fainTEST bit of quality brain candy. Let me just say in the blunTEST way possible, I feel that in some ways pop culture has become a tape worm burrowed into the inTESTines of our intelligence, that greedily drains us of our imagination, commonsense, and the ability to identify quality entertainment.
Let this stand as my proTEST against the conTESTable state of what is considered entertainment these days. Nowadays talent doesn't matter. Those who want to break into music do not need the sweeTEST of voices. In fact, they don't even need to have remoTEST bit of musical ability, technology can fix that. To be a great pop music star today, all anyone needs is to have the svelTEST, tighTEST of bodies which can make young girl's the moisTEST or TESTosterone filled guys develop a boner the swifTEST. Sex sells. If you are one of those rare modest individuals who keep to the chasTEST most sedaTEST of attitudes, you can forget a career in music.