It was a cathedral// then//
it was a ruin
all the angels & their cracked wings//
you ever seen girl lose
columns of her spine?
I'm here,
dust-knuckled, scraped, slow-bleeding/
curled like a bird in final rest/ bleeding
the kind of red-black that means
eventually it'll stop.
Can't remember
when the passion used to call itself crimson
except under a shade of lace
& afternoon yellowing.
But in the morning the clock strikes
& the day ribbon-grommets herself into
the picture
& we must rise,
her & I,
always ever her & I.
Lonely cathedral,
lost your righteous hips
still warring with
ghosts of an old devil's teeth:
that's as ugly as it ever gets.
& the dust settles,
& the dust settles,
your knuckles are so pink.