Cishet Steve
Naive Cishet Steve couldnt believe,
That folk out there wished him grievous harm,
Simple Cishet Steve began to grieve,
As this was cause for serious alarm.
So Cishet Steve, he did conceive,
A plan as wily as it was daring,
Yes Cishet Steve, he'd earn reprieve,
And stop minorities and strangers caring.
Thus Cishet Steve, he did achieve,
This goal in a delightfully, dastardly way,
Yes Cishet Steve, on Christmas Eve,
Announced he was actually, tremendously gay!
Then Cisgay Steve, more cards up his sleeve,
Had one more rotten old fib to tell,
Cisgay Steve, on Christmas,
Said he was a woman called Ruth as well.
Yes transgay Ruth, it's God's honest truth,
Nothing you'd say could cast any doubt,
He's transgay Ruth, since his youth,
That's what his weird behaviour was about.
But transgay Ruth, followed by a sleuth,
Well, to know when to quit was a trait she did lack,
And transgay Ruth, hours in tanning booth,
Came out swearing blind she had changed race to black!
So blacktransgay Ruth, slightly tipsy on vermouth,
Revealed to a mate that it was all a crazy lie,
And blacktransgay Ruth, characteristically uncouth,
Said "I want to be a victim" when asked the reason why.
Again now Cishet Steve, in trying to deceive,
Is reminded of his privilege every waking hour,
And silly Cishet Steve, unable to perceive,
That in many small ways he has his private power.