November Drabble: NO THANK YOU
It's now Thanksgiving season, but let's mix this up a little. Give me a drabble incorporating the phrase "No thank you" in some way. Break it up. Use it all at once. Whatever. Just put "No" "Thank" and "You" in there somewhere. Wanna win? Here are the rules: Exactly 100 words using conventional spelling, grammar, and punctuation. Prose only. Poetry will be mocked, cussed, and set afire. I'll pick a winner sometime around December 2.
Turkey Season
Would you like cranberry sauce on your turkey? No thank you. It's about time for you to get married, have you found a boyfriend yet? I don't want a boyfriend. Then how are you going to have kids? Adoption; plenty of kids in the system. I want you to have my grandbabies. Well I'm not sure if that's what I want, so we're gonna leave this alone. Why are you always trying to hurt me?! Don't my needs matter?! Yes mom, but- You don't care about me! I'm not gonna have this same conversation every family holiday. Okay, mom? Please.