The clouds hang low in the sky, the wind seems to hold its breath
The moonlight casts a faint glimmer through the glass, on the high of your cheekbones.
You exhale quietly with the smallest of smiles on your face,
listening to the secrets of the walls.
I stare at the side of your face, longingly, almost.
But what am I longing for?
You seem to hear my thoughts and turn to me,
reaching out a slender hand.
I take it, and my heart steadies.
I close my eyes, feel the sweat on my skin
The warmth of your hand, the heady smell of sweetness lingering
In my every memory.
I look down at our hair.
Strands of mousy brown & rich, molten mahogany strands entwining
There is not one part of you that I have not committed to memory.
When my eyes travel upwards again,
I find your striking gaze meeting mine once more.
Yet, I do not have the urge to put all I'm feeling into words.
Because I know you understand.
I know because of the way your eyes glimmer,
The way your grip on my fingers tighten slightly
The way you close your eyes once more
That you simply know.
And it comes to me, that
this is what I'd been looking for
A friendship, a love so strong
Words seem to fail.
Where, instead,
Our souls melt together
Our touches heal scars
Our gazes speak volumes,
Louder than any string of letters in the world could.
I tilt my head to the window, catching a glimpse of the moon
Before the clouds shadow it once more.
And with your hand still in mine,
I make a wish.
Later on, if you'd ask me,
"What is it that you wanted?"
I'd say,
An eternal, everlasting love with you;
There is nothing else I could ask for.