Challenge Ended
Silence. Use this word in any context and let your thoughts flow freely. Can be written in any genre.
Ended July 15, 2016 • 93 Entries • Created by sandflea68
We were staring at each other as the deafening sound of silence grew louder with every breath I took. The silence gnawed at my insides, it hung in the air like the suspended moment before a falling glass shatters on the ground. The silence was like a gaping void, needing to be filled with sounds, words, anything. The silence was poisonous in it's nothingness, cruelly underscoring how loud our argument had become. The silence was eerily unnatural, like a dawn devoid of birdsong, it clung to the air like a puff of cigarette smoke. Silence seeped into our every pore, a poison slowly paralyzing us from either speech or movement.