Coffee Shop Observations.
I see a man,
Amidst the scurried atmosphere,
Move slowly, intently, each step calculated..
As if traversing through a flowing stream,
Or a shrouding fog -
This man moves through air like a leaf through a stream,
Carrying its perpetual flow…
He dresses in shades of grey,
Not sombre, monotonous greys,
But ashen - brushed greys that deliver an air of sophistication,
Of quiet humility.
Upon his head
Rests a flat cap - To match the gentle, almost withdrawn
Tone of his blazer.
Black, fingerless gloves
Reveal leathery skin and
Worn fingertips.
A sterling silver ring resides on the bridge of his finger to the right of his middle.
In his hands,
Upon his lap,
A tattered book,
Whose pages whisper secrets of old.
An ancient, timeless kind of wisdom
Long forgotten.
I wish to read the book,
I want to know of the stories it speaks,
With its straight lines and squiggles etched upon
Its yellow, rugged pages -
Nicotine, coffee-stained pages.
I imagine they were once ivory..