Litany of Antaeus
Strife of earth and sea born in me, I Antiheracles
Antaeus- the firstborn spark of all striking.
A rage of ocean denuded- a vortex of man's drowning
Sea's granite-stark panoply, the coarse Cruelty of salt.
Antaeus! who is out of the wrack of Gaia- and her crags
Irassian tyrant, Caesura only in Msoura, of Berber's rags
They who shift the balances, who geared the fall of Troy- its
Blast and ruin, they planted me- as spider in the heart of man,
Knowing that though I was always death to him he
Who would call me - he who always needs an enemy
Out my death- monolithic sleep, pristine clarity in
Which I bided my time, I was called forth by the
Fool writer -as all myths are and I rose to see your City lit-
Dead monolith upon dead monolith, which you call a
Skyscraper: marked pure poetry of it- how they built
Their graves limitless- the missiles, the silos
They arrayed to spend themselves back into night,
And not foolish enough- as man's outmoded enemy--
Not Tantalus enough, to believe I could add one
Wit to the sum of it, I left untouched, the trap they
Had built, it's high summiting- pain cease without
Cease. Oh yes it was sweet to be outdone so. And
So I lay myself beneath my Kargan, the oppressive
Weight of it- where I can breathe tasting the
Bitter fruit of tragedy- the sweet inversions of it-
How even I- figure of a damned and scorched insolence
Could keep my feet to the ground, but man, stubbornly
Now rises- there a leaping, now a falling sound
Entering and courting with Death Profound.