Tutoring, Of Sorts
It's like the tide, said Bertrand.
It comes and goes, like breathing.
It's like a chicken with it's head cut off, said Tarun. It comes, stays a while, walking in circles and you're unsure if it's going to leave or not, or perhaps if you should, because someone sent a headless chicken your way.
Well, they might not have sent it, said Bertrand and looked annoyed over having to play part in the metaphore, not deliberately to walk in your direction.
Tarun scratched her head. And from this we are supposed to calculate an income? She said holding back a nervous laugh.
Well, said Bertrand, just because a guy walks into a coffee shop and buys a cup of coffee doesn't mean he didn't have an interesting day. Sales are part of it already, and to some extent perhaps vice versa. The cottage in your story was bought and sold, before Goldilocks waltzed in like she owned the place. They just try to make money dirty so they won't have to bring it up.
And... began Torun, as if she was waiting to be interrupted, and continued; and, with that said... with monetization not necessarily being a negative factor
Negative not being enough to describe it, perhaps, interjected Bertrand.
... how am I supposed to make money of what I am doing without making it all about money? Continued Torun. Or at all, for that sake?
Take that sentence and see what you can do, give it a few days, said Bertrand, try it with and without, try it in a different order. Drinking a cup of coffee completely ignoring that it was for sale doesn’t make the cup any more of an interesting artefact, does it? Keeping flies away from a piece of poop, excuse my French, doesn’t make or break a piece of poop
Are you saying that a cup of coffee is... poop? Said Torun.
I am saying, Bertrand corrected his collar, whatever sounds good, preferably making money in the process… and I am adding… is that so different from, or indeed bad standing by itself, what most people are doing? How relaxed do you have to be before you produce something that can cash a cheque, Torun? Work!