An Example of Independence
Independence is a tricky term. No doubt that George Orwell would call it a meaning less word based upon his definition found in Politics and the English Language. I would have to disagree with him on this point. The problem is not that word is meaningless, but instead that it has too many possible meanings. This face has been exploited by many politicians, philosophers, and writers to manipulate a reader or audience to receive this term and imbue it with any meaning that they like: regardless of the users intended meaning. I do now wish to follow in their footsteps.
The idea of being independent has been linked to conflict and war frequently throughout human history, and in particular with the origin of the United States of America. This however, need not be the case. The term independence is associated with other tricky terms such as freedom and liberty, but these get us no closer to an understanding as these terms hold as many potential meanings as independence does.
Independence can be seen as a way of life. That an individual can take care of and provide for themselves; however, this is an absolute falsehood. No living entity is able to exist and survive without the interaction and dependence upon other living entities and elemental systems. An ecosystem requires the entire system to remain stable.
Independence has been linked very closely to politics, and an approach to government. Independence is seen as a way for a state or people to govern themselves. This may not be entirely accurate either. A democracy does not make an individual independent as a collective majority is needed to have it operate, and a dictator may themselves be viewed as independent while the citizens that they govern are not.
What than is independence? The best answer may be that it is best understood as one being able to think for themselves about what they wish, and when they wish. The ability to think differently than another individual, or every other individual. It is the ability to formulate ideas and interrogate thought within oneself. This is a productive and valuable skill and ability to possess, but also ultimately useless unless those independent thoughts and ideas can be shared.
It is the communication and sharing of ideas and thought produced through independent thinking that offer the value of independence. independence only has a meaning when it is understood in relationship with another individual and within a community. This community may range in size from two individuals becoming a pair, or a family, a town, a city, a nation, a common species, or an entire planetary population. The best way to describe independence is that it is an invitation to come together and to share.