The Lot I Drew
I am a very realistic person. I don't dream too big, and I don't fear the worst. I am in-between in every aspect of my life. I am too young to think the way I do, and too old to change it now. I am too smart to struggle as much as I do, but not smart enough to know how to fix it. I feel as though I am stuck in a loop of constant inadequacy. Always just sat on the edge of something I cant quite touch. Its a rather melancholy feeling, to be stuck in a spot like mine. When me and my siblings drew our lots, just as I am the middle child, I am absolute center in everything I do. I was the middle of my graduating class. I was the in the mid-range of ability in my section of band.
I don't mind the way I am. I can fly under the radar and I manage to get through almost everything. Sometimes, it just seems like being so unremarkable is a curse rather than a blessing.