Feather Project VI 2 winners
The time has come to announce the winners of this last writing challenge of the year (for us anywho)
The story that takes the top spot this time around is Negative Man written by William Riling
Now then, we have three more that made their way in and I assure you, you'll enjoy them as well.
Conclusion of the Nutcracker
Written by Alison Paige
Shadows and Dust
Written by S.F. Lydon
From Cinders to Flame
Written by Mcargile2 (Prose name)
We thank everyone for their participation, and is looking forward to seeing more work as you all hone your talent to a finer point. Thnk you readers for takeing the time to read the entries of some of your favorite Prosers... (I think we might have to just say authors or writers for obvious reasons) dont be afraid to comment and discuss what you like from others work. Pretty sure it goes a long way.
Again thank you all and we'll be seeing you around as 2024 rolls through.