Dear White Man
Haven't you done enough damage to us? First you turn us into slaves, colonize our countries and exploit them. Now just because I ain't the same colour as you, you decide to seclude me and think of me as evil. You don't like me because of my skin. The racist who treat us different; have you ever sat down and thought that maybe we ain't so different after all? Just think about this, your blood is the same colour as mine. No difference at all. Mine isn't green and your's purple, we both have red blood. The position of your eyes, nose and mouth on your face happens to be the same position that my eyes, nose and mouth is on my face. My hands are the same position that yours are. It's just that you were born white and I black. I never chose to be born black. I ain't no alien though so I got as much right as you do to walk around this earth that God created. And speaking of God, you gave me the gift of knowing God. You brought to us the Bible which we are thankful for, you taught us about God and said we are all equal in His eyes. So why go ahead and preach water but drink wine? All you make me feel now is fear, of being born black but that happens to be too late. But it gets me wondering if I'll be confident to bear children in this world.
When you come to Africa, I never chase you away considering the memories that are brought by your visit, instead I welcome you with open arms. I have nothing but love for you. Doesn't matter what your forefather did centuries ago. I kept no grudge. I did nothing to you to treat me so different. If I was brought into this world to be treated like someone who doesn't matter or some thing, then being in this beautiful world ain't worth it. It got me enving the blind for they don't see the unfairness, the deaf for they don't hear the cruelty. So i take this moment and say a prayer of R.I.P to all the black men shot dead by the white men. The fathers that will never be and the sons we will forever miss. Take a chance to see we are not different but one and the same. We are one regardless of where we come from.
From a black girl angered by the inhumanity.