Just My personal thoughts.
Ok.. I'll be honest here.
I don't know what to write and post... Honestly and literally.
I see people posting their opinions and stories and works that are so much better, every time I open this site and I'm left baffled. I keep thinking... Just how much do these people have in their head to write??
Like, hear me out.
I myself spent quite the time to make up a topic for me to start writing with... My drafts would serve as pretty good evidence. But I always end up in a dead end one way or the other, leaving me with nothing to continue with!
And then I end up thinking what I wrote was utter nonsense- even this post seems like one.
I don't know how much of the people here will find this relatable, but I really hope this wont come off as me being seen as incompetent... nevertheless I AM praising my fellow writers here.
I love writing, as everyone here do. But it all being poems as of late, does no help when I want to write something big and long and interesting to read about. I know I am still a newbie of sorts here... so maybe there was a part of me that hoped for something in the posts to help out with mine... not copying exactly fyi.
And since I am a member of the Emerald Lounge, now... I thought I really had to put something up there so the world would know I existed.
Yet here I am... writing this post which may very well get me in trouble soon. But tell me? Was there another choice?
Are you still reading this? That's.. well amazing!
'Cuz I certainly never hoped for anyone to reach till here.
Btw, as for the praising part I mentioned earlier...
You are a really good writer! Whatever post You had posted till now and whatever is driving you to work on your next post is amazing! because there are people, like me, who can let go of one piece to start another... I dont think its a bad thing at all, doing so... But if you are still holding on, perfecting that work for so long to show it to the world, just know there will be many to appreciate it as well as to admire it! Just hang in there! None of the problems stay for too long and its never something you cant handle.
And finally...
I thank you a lot!
For reading this post regardless of how random it is or how it is none of your concern....
For being a good listener (though online)
For being here, in this site, and giving your best for the works that me and others read.
Once again, Thank you!
Leave a comment of you find anything amiss or want to share your thoughts!
Your ideas are also welcomed!
Hope this post made you feel at least a little bit better! And have a good day!