January Drabble: "Some would say your life was sad,
but you lived it anyway" lyrics challenge
Incorporating lyrics from the song, "Far Behind" by Candlebox, tell me a story in exactly 100 words. Stick enough of the lyrics in your drabble to make it obvious you're following the challenge goals, but you don't have to copy/paste big chunks. I'm curious to see what y'all can do with prose on a song lyric challenge; my last lyrical prompt generated some STELLAR stuff. Get after it! Winner selected by me sometime in early Feb, entries need to be written as prose following conventional spelling, punctuation, and grammar to be considered eligible for a win or honorable mention.
Finish line
“Oh, no, no, no no!” As you trip the final line, I said “maybe, maybe
I didn't mean to treat you bad”.
“I swear I didn’t realize that the shove would actually make you fall! You are so much bigger than me! And I mean you also do know; this race is serious business to me. A once-a-year event, being rewarded with a trophy by the principle himself. And you know she was looking at me!”
You looked down and said, “You care about her? But our shared glances, hangouts, I really thought some day we could take our time!”