Illusions 19th Century Chapter 2
So at 8:30 classes start, so he's in Homeroom for at least 1 hour and thirty minutes a day. His Homeroom teacher is Mrs. Conn!
Lonn's next class lesson is at 8:33 am, and at about 9:00 Lonn's Language Arts Lesson starts, his seat is on the far left in the middle of the classroom, he sits next to Kandy Patrick, the prettiest child in
school, Lonn tries to make an impression but his Language Arts teacher interrupts his class lesson to figure out what Lonn could be doing that's so much more important than A book's theme.
"Lonnie! This is not recess, do not make me call your mother." Said Mr. Lungust.
Lonn just sits there minding his own business and the child in the far back of the classroom throws spitballs at Lonn.
"Hey chump! Think twice before spitballing, and pick on someone your own size!" Lonn said.
The whole class uttered with excitement to see how this argument would end.
In less than two minutes both children were in detention, Lonn filled out a incident sheet; struggling to look over to see what the other child was writing.
Then the police guard showed up,"What grade are you two boys in?" Asked the police guard. "Sixth." Lonn answered. "And what about you, ya'll ain't from the same class?" He asked again. "Yes." Answered the other child. "What are ya'll two twelve?" The police guard asked. "You sure ask a lot of questions don't you?" Asked Lonn. "Come with me sunny. Step into my office." Said the police guard.
"Son, look. What do I do for a livin'?" He asked
"Ugh. I'm guessing you're a police officer." Replied Lonn. "Yes, son. Now that child sitting out there, that little boy you been bickerin' with? I'm here to keep you away from people like that. Now if that time comes, I'll call the chief." Said the police guard.
"Yeah, I know. He spitball me. I have Homeroom with this child, he rides my bus, and he gets on my bus stop every single morning!"
Lonn yelled. "Son, there ain't no need to yell, I'ma change his schedule, alright?" Said the police guard.