Become an Emerald Author
We just released our new monetization features with the soft launch of our paid subscription Portal, The Emerald Lounge. So, authors in the lounge can have paid subscribers for their content, be it poems, stories, or books, you know, the works you've been holding back until it's ready to shine like it should. Become an Emerald author by submitting your best work, or work you like. If you think you can out-drink, or even hang until closing time with Hemingway or Hank, we want to meet you. Accepted authors will receive a code for "Become an Emerald Author," which you will find in your settings. Go get it.
Of Realtors and Tricycles
Saint Patrick’s day green
sugar cubes mixed in
with orange juice
and we were off
on adventure unknown.
We laughed and burned the carpet
panicked to fix it or hide it
the home was not our own.
We were realtors knocking,
the electric blue door opening,
when finally the sprinklers came on.
We fancied ourselves landscapers
when the groundskeeper screamed
at a Charlie peddling a tricycle.
Inside was new again.
The little girl trapped
in the picture frame
kept pace with her watering can.
After etching our names
into the whip cream ceiling
the aquatic bed
made for a cold climb down.
Night turned to day
without sleep for the transition,
and our touched-upon minds
were left to face the mundaneness of
propane tanks and shower stalls.