“Life’s But a Walking Shadow”
Darren stood that night in the swelling black
That spilled like a ponderous throw carpet
All throughout his neighborhood,
And the mess of local and chain businesses
That jutted out of this once cherished;
Now maligned side of town...
Her lips had descended upon him like a hungry rat
Before she vanished into some crater somewhere,
While his head was still spinning,
Muttering that she just wanted to know what
It would feel like to kiss him...
It was like a sped up relationship in reverse...
He'd become like a bronzed legend in this city,
Like one of those statues of war generals that
The birds did their business on
In Central Park...
A lot of the old company had dispersed
Like windblown leaves in Autumn,
But here he was still planted firmly
Beneath the shadowy ballast of time...
Tonight he sat in Casey's, tasting the bitter coffee,
And basking in the ersatz 50's decor...
He was recalling Jennifer's kiss again,
And the way the streetlights bled into the river
When he had wandered out onto the
Downtown bridge in a daze after she fled...
Gazing off in a distance from his post
He saw the giant outline of his shadow snake up
The side of the Amway Grand Plaza
That stood impressively to the right of the bridge
That was peppered with a mosaic of brightly shining
Bulbs that further enhanced his darkened replica...
Darren waved at the shadow,
And the lofty shadow's arm waved back
With what seemed like almost a
Delayed reaction time that bordered on odd...
Tomorrow he planned to pull up stakes,
And take a trip outside the confines of this burg!...
Early that next morning, Darren awoke
With a newfound obligation, and appreciation
For the narcotic that was his city...
He couldn't imagine a move;
Not with all the memories and faces that he wore
Like a bandanna around his neck,
Long into the numberless starry nights
He plunged forever like a falling star...
Bunny Villaire