My Regret is All Yours
Where have the long days gone,
Days when my girl sang at the willow pond?
Where has my own heart fled,
I see you there, with your gown stained red.
Could I do nothing?
Nothing, to save you from that trial?
If only I had the thought,
I could have been there to ensure your survival.
Clothed in the linen of night I came to you,
I came upon the bank of the angel's tear.
How blind I was, I didn't know it was for you
that she wept, for you that she flew.
I came in darkness, but fire surrounded me.
I pled with them, your kingdoms men.
I told them I was one of them.
Look, I said, I have your scars, I too know
the girl who sings at the willow pond.
She has cut you, I know. She didn't let you near.
For that you take from her all that is dear.
They let me at their table, your figure bound
below their feet. They told me dance! if you are able.
Dance I did for fear of divulging the truth.
Dance, we did, all upon your pretty youth.
Could I do nothing? I ask, to stop my feet.
They bade me to eat, and so I did eat.
I fear I was poisoned by their food, and their words,
what's more. I danced, and I didn't recognize you anymore.
I meant to rescue you, I promise I did.
I just turns out I couldn't save your purity in the end.