Rorschach 9
Two red roosters get together for afternoon tea, but all they do is stare intently into each other's eyes, and neither blinks, nor cries. The contest goes on and on. In the meanwhile, two black monkeys, with big eyes and a yellow unicorn sticking out of the head, join the roosters for the same game. Nobody’s interested in tea.
They just stare with pleasure and intensity; it’s beyond me. You would know what I mean, if you could picture two Inuit throat singers having fun on stage. Like them, the monkeys and the roosters enjoy it immensely. Their happy faces tell it all.
There will be no winners or losers. They enjoy the game for what it is. Imagine going back in time, when games were played for fun, not for the glory of winning. Imagine going forward in time, when winning IS the game! Perhaps we could learn from the monkeys and the roosters to make life a game without winners or losers!