I’m back
I joined back in middle school originally. I was under a different user name (Darkside?) and would post almost anything from fictional supernatural stories to challenges when they were free (I am so mad you have to pay for this kind of stuff). I got a lot of people, somewhere in the hundreds. People would read and critique my work. It felt like I finally had a place I could post. I ended up responding to a few of these posters through chat.
This was my downfall
Mom found out and was pissed. She forced me to delete my account and said I could get it back when I was eighteen. My followers had no idea where I went. A few years later I am almost an adult. Mom says I can open back up my prose account. I tried with my old email and found out it doesn't exist. The school deleted it. And now with all my work, gone. I wish I had written it in a doc.
But I am back. I have been on here a few days and so much has changed. I hope to post all original work here and maybe even charge money for commissions someday. I also hope to bring some joy to a random stranger
People who have followed a middle schooler back in the 2010s, thank you.