Take Away
I've seen faces
caked with addiction
laced with too
many prescriptions
they say
"what doesn't kill you"
but all I saw was
broken homes and fried
temporal lobes
one woman's tears
were so violent
she shook with them
her face red and swollen
she had had
electric shock treatment
and another woman
had too, her anxiety
consuming the stagnant
air of the treatment center
like a match lit
in a room full of gaseous fumes
it's never easy
these solutions to
our mental health problems
we need more time
to overcome them
sometimes sitting in chairs
next to veterans
wives and daughters
addicts and depressives
the collateral victims
telling our truth
shouting while saying nothing
the words we hold back
are often the ones
that come out anyway
in bodily harm
or at the bottom
of a bottle of scotch
we need more time
to process
our trauma
and make a new way
decisions that
add instead of
taking away