Spring has arrived
The orange sunrays break through my zebra blinds
way too early to be ready to be awoken
and then the cats outside are arguing
over which bird they will try to catch first
as they are sitting and chirping high on the tree branch.
I roll up the blinds and see an actual grass being green,
lemons turning juicy and jasmines blooming white,
trees growing some luxurious looking leaves,
kids playing outside in the playground,
and fresh wind letting in some cooling air.
I open the weather app
and see snow and cold around the world
while the sun is warmly hitting my back
and it makes it hard for me
not to be jealous of those living more up north.
But then I scroll to another month,
where it gets dry and scorching hot
and all the flowers and grass will be dead
so I close my eyes and enjoy the spring
before it is all gone.