These Days....
I feel as if our days of present are just flat out giving us the finger
they seem to be somewhere between the Twilight Zone
or perhaps an episode of Jerry Springer
Society's norms and its levels of unreal have reached a deeper realm of the unknown
We know wrong and bad have always been
but there is such a decline among us
good is still represented, but lately it has been taking it on the chin
the slightest glance or word can send someone into a violent fuss
I don't like to watch the news
people behaving badly
if one of us is a victim of evil we all lose
it truly takes a piece of our peace sadly
We are all connected and together we need to stand
as one we can shake our heads, but in numbers we can bring change
we need to sweep the hate, the violence, and the wrongs that rage across our land
coming together should be natural, not extraordinary or strange.
As Rod Serling would say in only the way he could
"Imagine if you will...."
A world where we chose love not hate and lived as we should
Where we could take a moment to breathe in peace and just be still.