This and That
Wake up grateful. Throughout your day, take it all in. Everything, whether it is a positive or negative experience brings you growth. Let it teach you, then remember the lesson taught. Don't say you can't do something, because you can do anything. Don't buy in to that "I'm too old" long as there is breath in you - it is never too late. If it doesn't turn out exactly like you planned - at least you know you tried.
Think before you speak. Words are often felt harder than flying fists. The stinging memory of them can last a lifetime. Choose them well. Why tear someone down, when you can build them up. We are all going through something, and you truly don't know what is going on in another's life. Your choice of words or acts of kindness might be what they need. Be that person, the one who reaches a hand up, or offers words of support. Not only will they feel better, but you will too.
Stop stressing. All it will do is beat you down, don't let it. They say, "don't sweat the small stuff" and in the scope of life most things fall under "small stuff". If you came home tired from a job, had to decide what to eat, took a warm shower, and placed your head on a pillow in your home for a night's rest...look how blessed you are. Before you go to sleep thank God for all that you were blessed enough to see, hear, and do. If you are carrying a load that has you feeling beat, broken or just it in His hands and leave it there. When you look back over your life - look at all the hard and hurtful spots you found yourself his grace and mercy you made it through. Every storm passes.