Technology Goddess/Sorceress
Growing up,
technology was a goddess,
so much loved and praised
for all the things she could do.
She washed and dried our clothes
and did the dishes too!
She kept our food from spoiling
and cleaned the carpets anew.
She awed us with electricity.
Every day we expected something new.
But a goddess she ceased to be
when she turned to digital sorcery.
We woke up one day, gasping in despair.
Facilitating hate mail, fraud,
disinformation and fear,
a scourge she became everywhere.
In her goddess days,
she freed us from drudgery.
In her witching ways,
she enslaves us with grudgery.
Betraying our trust,
a digital dopamine curse
she unleashed upon the pure.
Awe has turned to fear!