March '24 Drabble: Lucky Duck
Write me a prose story in exactly 100 words, using standard spelling and punctuation, on this topic: Luck. Good luck, bad luck, no luck, hard luck, whatever. It's supposed to be the month celebrating the Luck of the Irish, but anybody who has studied history can tell ya...luck is really, really subjective. I'll pick the winner in early April, unless I forget until mid April.
Genetic Roulette — Luck of the Draw
It was pure luck that ovum # 102,364 was released via ovulation from my mother on that exact day in that exact year and was waved down the ciliated tube to meet a suitable suitor. It could've been any of the other hundred thousand eggs she was born with and, if so, I wouldn't be me.
It was pure luck that spermatozoon #43,438,822 was the exact vehicle to deliver the right exact half of my father's DNA. Had it been any other swimmer, then I just wouldn't be me.
And I really do like me, so I am very lucky.