Mind’s Eye Blind
I knew not what the old man had done to me but there was something familiar about him and his eyes pierced my being. Now I stood in the blinding white void! "Show us then!" What did that mean? For some reason I felt it had something to do with my new blessing or was it a curse? I'd created the promenade & now set about weaving the tapestry of my new reality. I thought "Let there be light,"and there was light and it was good.
The coarse, ruff sand I replaced with grass. I populated this new world with people and animals and spectacular colors. I had crafted from my mind an untainted world, the kind of which that I had screamed to God most high about in the lowest depths of my melancholy states suchlike the one I'd been in prior to gaining this new power.
I walked through my domain for what seemed like centuries ridding myself of the void. But something was wrong when enough time passed my creations would fight, war steal, and become debased. How many times did I wipe them out and start over?
There was no Ark no prism of light hung as promise in the sky just destruction and creation over and over. Then one of the worlds I had created erased its ownself and I stood in the void again. I saw the man from the beach he had two legs now and was clad in a glowing white robe. He approached me. "Who are you?" I demanded.
"You already know that I am and that is enough. I challenged you to show me you could create a better less depressing world. You can't, for you too are imperfect.
"I am perfect and my Creation was ment to reflect that just as your creations reflected your imperfections. It was the Adversary and the choices of my first two mortals that made it not so.
"Go now and be grateful for the world around you. If you want it to change be the change and walk justly, doing right by your fellow man. Remember Charity covers a multitude of sins."
Then He pushed me without touching me and I blinked and was back on the beach. Listening to the waves crash and the gulls cry out.