Raffle Tickets
If I grow my hair
And put all my self confidence
Back in the big blinding box
Where I first found it,
Let it bloom like a radio station
And explode pictures of its face
Across the sky in hot balloons
Then could I watch my way back
To the poems I used to write;
Etch my way into the whispered secrets
I used to hide in the knotted back
Of the perfect clouds?
Could I tattoo my neck
With the proper ratio of barcodes
To win a lottery with only one entry?
Could I feel the patterns in the brail
If they claimed to be a treasure map
Between the shouting voices of raw onions
And the pitter patter of the lovely litter: rain?
Or am I scratching at my own junk food cartilage,
Overflowing like a tip not a river
And irrigating my eyes with the sharp venom
That they splay on the innermost skin
Of depressed chalices and broken teapots?