мое любовное стих
A resemblance of a love poem of mine is this largely redacted piece where all you'll see is the dragged shadow of an echo of an inky heart of me over branches back-lit by spotlights drugged to blur and twisted in my rags to riches story in reverse
Without a single punctuation
Your language and its murder or your birth rights to love songs don't mean much here to me
Spitting into invisible equations running a muck
And damn it! I just had and lost the perfect line to end all lines to be worthy of an exit left off stage with giants.
But all I'll muster up is some odd change and these next few lines hoping I don't get gobbled up by Lions.
Flattered by mouths lied to by tongues.
The only way I know you're real is with my
strangest way of kissing, electric I will clank my teeth and shyly suck your story from inside your cheek.
You'll taste me in your essence long after I forget your name.