Eyes meet...
Eyes meet across a crowded room. Hers and his. Classic romance beginning.
It was a crowded room. Very much so : it happened to be a party.
Somehow or other they ended up dancing together, without a word being spoken on either side. None of the songs were rememberd afterwards, but they must have been known by both because they were singing along in loud, alcohol-tinted voices.
Nothing but lyrics left either pair of lips, and yet, through mutual friends and others, by the end of the evening they each knew enough to have been life-long acquaintances.
After that first glance neither had anything but fruit-punch, and though not sober, were both fairly clear-minded.
A peaceful walk to a commun bus-stop was a perfect ending to the evening. Both were satisfied till next time as his bus pulled up, still not a non-sung word between them. A kiss on the lips was their only goodbye.