Challenge Ended
Write about your muse, real or imaginary. No boundaries, but make sure you tag me! I would love to hear about your personified inspiration. I'll do one, too!
Ended August 3, 2016 • 23 Entries • Created by LizardBallou
Brought to my door, many years ago, was a massive mountain of a man. An instant connection was struck and felt by us both as we laughed and enjoyed each other.
For whatever reason, this older and wiser teacher, decided our time together had come to an end. Our last year, helped me to grow in ways I am still learning about. The love was palpable. So much so, that I do believe it frightened him. He will always be in my heart. Always.
He's thought of randomly and often. Do I dare say daily? I've felt no other love like ours. Though I have given up crying for him regularly, I doubt very much if I shall ever stop missing him.
He still inspires.