Fear of the Unknown
Worry feels like I'm missing something, something important...
Worry feels like a cloud over my head that about to open up and drench me...
Worry feels like an obstacle blocking half my view in the car on the highway, and any second I'll crash...
Worry feels like a fist holding my guts ever so subtly, clenching every now and then when I start to think that everything will be fine...
Worry feels like a grenade sitting on my brain and I'm not sure it's a dud; it could go off...
...or I'm just paranoid.
I could be letting my imagination run away with me, convincing myself there's more going on than anyone else realizes, like in some conspiracy movie. I could be completely wrong about the situation. I really could be worrying for no reason.
But I don't know.
I can only hope I'm wrong -- or dread that I'm right. And I can pray.
Always pray.