Under a Dark and Angry Sky
I watch my anger before me
bare and beating
despising it,
embarrassed by it,
wishing it were less a part of me
than a part of my mother
but I grasp its shivering mass
and wrestle it into my inner left coat pocket,
I am scared of my attachments.
I went to the store yesterday for figs and hated the woman in front of me for her old age, as if I could tell she lived her life without the same intentions and rage driving mine.
I drove into work three nights ago and hated my coworkers for hating our hateful job as much as I do.
I saw myself in the rear view mirror today and witnessed the same anger forming dark circles under my eyes and ripping away any light left in my eyes and hated it.
I will
wrestle this mass and try to control it
I will be a happier person and I will convince my angry self to
forgive the woman her age
my coworkers their hatred
and myself my own anger.