to Baltimore
We went on adventures,
scanned the sky for planets
and satellites, spent all our money
on ballgames and bourbon, ran too fast
too far and fell, drunk on endorphins,
into the lake after midnight.
Let's play this game again.
Come with me to steal
the neighbors' flowers
in fat bouquets that smell
exactly like your
grandmother's backyard:
gardenia and hyacinth,
handfuls overflowing, tied
together with grapevine.
Reeking of roses--dirt buried
in each wrinkle of skin, tip
of finger to bend of wrist--
tshirt sticking to my spine
from the weather, from the
high noon summer ride
to your house:
I stand in your living room
like it's years ago. Yesterday.
We remove each other's socks,
run barefoot into the front yard.
The neighbors' sprinklers go on
right about now.