August 2024 Drabble Challenge: First Day of School
Tell me a story in exactly 100 words using the prompt, "First Day of School." Take it in any direction you want, you don't have to use the exact phrase or keywords or anything, but do draw us in with a return to school as your theme. Please use standard punctuation, grammar, and spelling to spin a prose tale for a chance to score a whopper of a prize: TWO WHOLE DOLLARS! I'll pick the winner in early September, no need to tag me with your entry.
September 5, 2028
Only eight of my 20 assigned first graders attended the first day of school today. The other 12 were either excused or expelled. Among the former, three have COVID and one has an unspecified illness. Among the latter, two are children of illegal immigrants, one has pledged allegiance to ISIS online, two tested positive for fentanyl, two were found to have surgically implanted AI devices, and one tried to smuggle a Glock pistol into school. The eight students present bickered about their genders, races, politics, and religions. I thought about strangling every one of them. I quit my job today.