Blinding The Hydra
Why did I dig up the drowsing sins of youth,
Morgue chilled memories
An unearthed carriage of Passover plagues,
The voyaging muse
Shaking skeletal willows free of grevious bitters,
Scorched communion fruit
Shaded lipstick red,
Violent rains
All flustering fury.
Why did I forget to shear the unruly mange of time
And pacify its absolved seed
Of wormy weed
That now murders a catatonic sky
With a scream of blood letting thunder,
Its shadowed drapery of nipping pall
Mutilating the sacred stony silence.
Redemption’s tidings
Tumble leaden from brass heavens,
Eating through the soul wisp sacramental air,
The jeweled belt of flame suckling stars
A dawning halo
To encircle the sad slunken earth
Under funeral of night,
And plant the flowering bud of Life,
Blinding time’s fettered Hydra
And its wretched trinity of eyes.