Pro’s, not Prose
Using an earlier attempt at light-hearted fun comparing prose and poetry. I believe it fits here.
Ah, so you write eloquent prose.
Full of idioms and metaphors, I s'pose.
You show but don't tell, oh my!
Yet don't reveal until the end is nigh.
Words you count as you type,
Or write. Are they enough? I hear you gripe.
Flash, Short, Novel, Novella, what-have-you!
Struggle to know where it fits, don't you?
Protagonists, and heroes, and their journeys
You add backstories by the gurneys.
Rising action and climax are fun
But the middle rues if it'll e're be done.
But look at us, the poets and the bards.
Writing verse is its own reward.
There's rhythm, a flow, and there's rhyme
And can be finished, literally, in no time.
Just so we can nail the last one
We, as rhymers, are not yet done
For we can also write it as prose
Now that should rub it in your nose.