I have a circus in my head that makes me want to scream
I see a ringleader who tells me what I want to be
I have a voice inside my head that makes me want to bleed
I have a friend who keeps telling me that I should just be me
I have a criminal attraction to these false beliefs
I have a tendency to sin and always listening
I have a strange desire to eat less and barely sleep
I own a dirty journal where I write my memories
I'm obsessed when I get uncontrollably depressed
I'm depressed when I'm exposed to uncontrollable stress
I'm stressed when I hear life-questioning threats
I have threats that I've given to all my regrets
I try to piece back together my already fractured life
Try to be the person they want and indirectly spite
Try to live up to expectations; even though they're too high
I need to be happy; I can't keep living this life.